Apparently, she loves it...
The newly decorated room inside the oldest farm estate in Petaluma for the world's most adorable little girl.
'LuLu du jour' -- LuLu sees the invisible! Check out her encounter with a Wiglet from Wiggle Planet!
Carla posts Dad's new poem: 
 'This Girl I Know'
La LuLu prepares to create new worlds. And populate them with plastic amphibians.
LuLu's 1st Horse Riding Lesson! My she's terrific!
LuLu and Dad meet their
That other LuLu...
    LuLu writes her name for the very first time!
​LuLu's Kayaking Adventure
Petaluma River
LuLu Explores the Trolley Museum
​LuLu at the 'mini beach' in Dad's Office
​LuLu encounters M.C. Escher's interlocking lizards.
 LuLu Learns Civil 
LuLu Takes a Corn Bath, Santa Rosa Pumpkin Patch, Oct. 25, 2015

'This Girl I Know’
For LL (01/04/2015)

This girl I know, she loves key lime.
We used to share one all the time.
And from her seat, beneath a hood,
her smile said, “I think it’s good!”
She wasn’t big on spoken words.
She pointed at the moon and birds;
And aeroplanes, balloons, and lambs.
Vocabulary on one hand.
Sometimes we’d stroll the river bank.
Admire fish outside their tank.
Or topple ice cream sundaes tall;
Or roll lopsided stones like balls.
She loved eggs scrambled, she loved her bath.
She’d race her 12-inch high giraffe.
And on some nights, her momma gone,
I’d sing and rock her into dawn.
This girl I know, she just turned three.
I feel much younger, when she’s with me.