LuLu and Dad explore 
This fascinating interactive Augmented Reality technology, developed by Jeffery Ventrella, CEO ('Creature Engine Operator') at WIGGLE PLANET, LLC, makes the invisible...visible! Look through your smartphone or gaze at your tablet,  and, 'Peck Peck,' that Wiglet bird above, dances on your shoulder (or on LuLu's head) right before your eyes!
                                 Check out the video...
So if dad can let go of it long enough for LuLu to finally put on that T-shirt, the next time she's hopping about town, and someone looks at her through their smartphone, provided they've downloaded the program, they'll see Peck Peck hopping and doing back flips all around LuLu's shoulders! (The secret 
is in that floral bouquet imprinted on the Tee...)
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